Thursday, September 1, 2011

Grocery bags

Do you ever get tried of the pile of plastic bags?
 I know I do. But I like to have some around
to use for this and that.
Well I found a clever way to down size my pile
and store them.
take your bag and flatten it out
next fold it in half
then in half again
now start at the bottom and fold up the corner
like a triangle
keep folding till you get to the top
now tuck the handle into the opening part of the triangle
see how easy that was.
now my pile looks like this
so much easier to store. and so much neater.
from this
 to this
so quick and easy 
every time you come home from the market
fold them up and store them. 

love and blessings

1 comment:

  1. mine look like that too :)

    NOT the neatly folded triangles!
