Sunday, February 6, 2011

Get organized

I like being organized, putting things where they belong.
this is what I did to my laundry closet 

 I went to target and got wire bins and jars
some glass and others chrome
I love that I can see all my products
everything is labeled and has its place.
 even my plastic bags know just where to go.
 the hangers are all in line
waiting for there turn to be used
paper towels and toilet paper all in their bins
neatly stacked. believe it or not my husband
even knows where they go because they are all labeled.
The rags, light bulbs, extension cord,hand soap,ect...
all lined up and in their place. I'm so organized
I can hardly stand it, (well in the laundry closet that is.)

and if I need a shopping bag I know just where to find one.
 Are you organized? 
Try it you'll love it 

 love and blessings