Friday, May 27, 2011


Finally got my garden in,
 it's been raining so much and with working 
I had a hard time trying to get everything done.
Several days its been nice all day until I would leave work 
and drive down the road and 5 minutes later there
would be a down pour and rain all evening.

 Here are a few pictures of our garden.

I have 4 plots, 6 ft wide x 10 ft long with enough space
between each one to run the riding mower thru.
I need to edge each one yet to give them straight clean lines
around the edge this will give them a cleaner look.
red and white sweet potatoes in the mounds
tomato plants in the trellises 
lettuce, spinach, red beets, peppers, garlic, Lima beans,
onions, tomatoes, red and white sweet potatoes.
Hopefully it will produce at lot of vegetables for us.
 can't wait for the harvest!
yum yum
grilled, cooked, steamed  or fresh however
we decide to eat them.
Maybe I'll have enough to share.

luv and blessings