Friday, December 30, 2011


 Snow flake
I had a nice little surprise the other evening 
when my neighbor girls came to my door
with this beautiful snowflake
they made out of paper for me.

I hung it on my kitchen window
to enjoy while working there.
so simple so thoughtful so meaningful!
thank you girls for the gift of
a snowflake!

love and blessings

 Joy to the World!!

love and blessings

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

This year I decided to get a white 
Christmas Tree

Its 6ft tall
I have it setting in a old galvanized

the gifts I wrapped in brown paper and tied 
with a white sheer bow 
 or in white freezer wrap paper with silver ribbon
and a bow made with the freezer wrap 
The ornaments are either crystal
 or mercury
 and the crystal star shines at the top
It is rather simple, but that is how I like it!
Hope you are enjoying the Christmas Season!
love and blessing ruby

Monday, December 12, 2011


                               Christmas  Are you ready to Celebrate the birth of our Savior?

I have the house decorated
the shopping is done
the baking not so much
I don't do a lot of that.
I enjoy eating it just not making it.
Hope you are enjoying the season as much as 
I am. 
Jesus is the reason for the season!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 of my sisters and I are headed
to Columbus Ohio to the 
Country Living Fair.
Hoping for a beautiful day
with the sun shining and a
cool breeze.
Who knows maybe I will see
you there.

love and blessings

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

 I had this Boring  mirror to use as a full length
Mirror in the hall way.
 I was on the search for a more unique,
something with more character, not boring 
mirror. This is what I found.
  It has some neat details which I like.
luv the patina on it too.
and the refection of the bedroom.
from boring
to this.
And I can still use it as a full length mirror.

love and blessings

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Extra large bag

I had 3 pair of old blue jeans laying 
around and this flowered piece of fabric in my 
stash of fabrics.Want to see what I did with them?
My niece gave me this pattern to use.
McCall's M6297
This bag is 15" W and 13" L (excluding handles)
with inside pockets.

and outside pockets.
I took the jeans pockets of the old blue jeans and sewed
 1 onto the front and 1 on the back of the outside for added
compartments. I also added the Levi's label
at the top. ( didn't want anything left unused.)
plenty of room for everything.

love and blessing

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Grocery bags

Do you ever get tried of the pile of plastic bags?
 I know I do. But I like to have some around
to use for this and that.
Well I found a clever way to down size my pile
and store them.
take your bag and flatten it out
next fold it in half
then in half again
now start at the bottom and fold up the corner
like a triangle
keep folding till you get to the top
now tuck the handle into the opening part of the triangle
see how easy that was.
now my pile looks like this
so much easier to store. and so much neater.
from this
 to this
so quick and easy 
every time you come home from the market
fold them up and store them. 

love and blessings

Monday, August 29, 2011


Is this called recycling?
Today I cleaned out my husbands
lunch box (which by the way he usually does)
and I found all these little baggies
6 to be exact.

So I decided to wash them all w/ soap
and water and since it was such a gorgeous day out,
sun shining breezy and in the high 70's
I decided to hang them out on the wash line to dry.
 hopefully they will dry nicely and he can reuse them.
I LIKE THAT ! any thing to save money.
 Have you ever washed out your baggies and reused them?
would love to hear from you.

love and blessings

Thursday, August 25, 2011


 I have been so busy lately
 on my days off I've
canning and freezing vegetables from
my garden which I am very grateful for.
 I've been canning hot peppers
 Tomato juice
pizza sauce
 its such a good feeling and
 so nice to be able to go to my shelves this 
winter and cook up something for supper.
I pulled my onions and garlic and laid them out  to dry.
 Don't think I'll have to buy any for a long time.
I like that!
hope your summer is going well
and your garden is giving you lots of goodies
like mine is.

love and blessings